Disinfecting Gantry
At Entrances / Exits
A walk-through structure and an ioniser which releases an Waterliq, disinfecting each individual who passes through it. Waterliq’s ultra-fine mist is generated by ultrasonic humidifiers. These instantly deactivate any viruses, bacteria and microbes that it comes into contact with in the air, and on the surfaces it lands on.
Requiring just a mere 10 and 20 seconds in the tunnel, waterliq can help to eradicate up to 99.99 per cent of viruses and bacteria on surfaces, including exposed skin, clothes and other personal belongings.
It is also perfectly safe for one to breathe while in the tunnel, as Waterliq is consisted entirely of water.
Sanitization Tunnel
Installed at Entry / Exit of Workplaces or Malls
Sensor Activated
Timer Off
Instant Inactivation of Virus, Bacteria, Microbes
Head to Toe Disinfection including under footwear
Dry Misting – 1 to 5 microns ultra-fine droplets
Scalable Tank Capacity from 10L up
Economical Model
Very low maintenance
Indoor or Outdoor use